Project Description

What You Should Know About Obesity Surgery

Morbid obesity is an important health problem threatening the whole world. It is known that there is a continuous relationship among body mass index and morbidity and mortality. Surgical procedures used in severe obesity can cause serious weight loss, which can heal comorbid conditions.

If the body mass index is 40kg / m2 and above, or more than 35 kg / m2 plus comorbid diseases (diabetes, sleep apnea syndrome, heart disease, hypertension, etc.) are present, there is a candidacy for obesity surgery. Today, two treatment options, called Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass and Sleeve Gastrectomy (Tubular Stomach), have been proposed by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Consensus Development Conference, and both methods can be successfully applied as laparoscopic.

Our JCI accredited hospitals where obesity surgery applications are performed have sufficient specialists and technological equipment and infrastructure facilities to perform the necessary evaluation and consultations before surgery. Our hospitals have a third level adult intensive care unit and an endoscopy unit where possible complications formed in the postoperative period can be managed in a timely and effective manner, and operating rooms which have the infrastructure and surgical equipment conditions for obesity. Before the operation, with a multidisciplinary approach, the patient who is examined by the experts of mental health diseases, anesthesia, internal medicine, cardiology, chest diseases, and endocrine departments is informed about the benefits, harms, possible operation risks of the necessary surgical methods and procedures which will be performed.

The operation is performed by the surgeons who are knowledgeable about the application of bariatric surgery and advanced laparoscopic techniques and who have the ability and experience to intervene and correct any problem. After the operation which takes about 40-90 minutes, the fluid intake is started after 2 days, and the patient is discharged after 50 hours. After a year, the patient loses 80% of his or her excess weight.

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