In Vitro Fertilization Treatment


In Vitro Fertilization Treatment In Vıtro Fertilization Treatment Recent developments in In Vıtro Fertilization (IVF) treatment increase the success rates in pregnancy. The selection of sperm under a special microscope with the application of IMSI (intracytoplasmic morphologically selected sperm injection) is the finest example of this. IMSI technique enlarges [...]

Obesity Surgery


What You Should Know About Obesity Surgery Morbid obesity is an important health problem threatening the whole world. It is known that there is a continuous relationship among body mass index and morbidity and mortality. Surgical procedures used in severe obesity can cause serious weight loss, which can heal [...]

Plastic Surgery


Plastic Surgery Plastic Surgery and Medical Aesthetics Plastic surgery is a branch of medicine that aesthetically repairs the necessary parts of the body and deals with all kinds of surgical problems on the whole body surface. In addition to surgical problems, it is a branch that can be used [...]

Cancer Treatment


Cancer Treatment Cancer Treatments: The most common treatment modalities in cancer are surgery, radiotherapy, and chemotherapy. Less frequently, hormone therapies, biological treatment methods and targeted therapies are used. These treatment methods are applied alone or together. Euromedicare works with the modern oncology centers that is equipped with specific [...]

Eye Disease Treatment


Eye Disease Treatment Euromedicare general eye examination and surgeries; Euromedicare ensures your treatment in areas requiring advanced expertise such as refractive surgery, multifocal intraocular lens, cataract surgery, glaucoma, cornea, uvea-retinal, vitreoretinal surgery, strabismus surgery, neuro-ophthalmology, oculoplasty, contact lens, amblyopia, and pediatric eye health by providing the use of [...]

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